by Kathryn Lee, Luca Cowles, Rev. Dr. Rebecca Voelkel, Robert Frame | Jun 28, 2020 | sermons
John 1:1-18 Promiscuous Incarnation:[1] In the beginning were Desire and Longing: Desire for ecstasy and connection, longing for the deepest of communions. And Desire and Longing were with God. And Desire and Longing were God. Desire and Longing were with God in the...
by Rev. Claire Klein | Jun 21, 2020 | sermons
Scripture: Genesis 21:8-21 Video: Good morning – Today is Father’s Day! Happy Father’s Day! However, today, we are going to focus on two mothers in the Hebrew Bible: Hagar and Sarah. We often...
by Elizabeth Tucker, Josh Homan-Dorfman, Keegan Conlee | Jun 14, 2020 | sermons
Youth Sunday at Lyndale UCC saw three of our SpringHouse youth share songs that were particularly meaningful for them as inspiration for how to make it through COVID-19 and the killing of George Floyd. Each chose a song and we shared it, then they reflected on the...
by Rev. Abigail Henderson | Jun 7, 2020 | sermons
Listen here: I want to begin by sharing some words with you from my friend and colleague, the Reverend Jane McBride. She serves a church right by 35W, right near where the truck plowed into protesters last week. Speaking of the state of emergency with racism and...
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