Sunday Mornings

Adult Education, 9:15 am

Sunday mornings at Lyndale begin at either 9:15am or 10:30am, depending on how much of a morning person you are. At 9:15am we have our adult education classes (recent topics have been White Privilege, Money & Spirituality, Israel/Palestine, Happiness, The Sacred Art of Living and Dying) except during the summer months.


Worship, 10:30 am

Worship begins at 10:30am all year round and lasts roughly an hour. We meet at Springhouse Ministry Center, one of three faith communities worshipping in the same building, but in separate sanctuaries. When you walk in the door, a greeter will be there to direct you to the community and sanctuary we are worshipping in that morning.


Coffee Hour, Following Worship

After worship, there is a communal coffee hour, but it’s more than just coffee and you don’t have to stay the whole hour! You’ll find your share of healthy (even gluten free!) and decadent treats, folks from all three church communities gathered together chatting, and possibly some action tables with members of various churches looking for help changing the world for the better. Depending on the Sunday, there may also be a meeting of one of our various teams like the Activistas or the Green Team – all of which are always looking for new energy to stop by and join them.

Got Kids?

We’ve love kids at Lyndale UCC, and we’ve got lots for them to do.

Not Ready for Sunday Morning?

That’s alright. Sunday isn’t for everyone. But we still want you to be part of our community.