Kept by God

Kept by God

Rev. Dr. Rebecca Voelkel Listen here: “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills. From whence cometh my help? My help cometh from the Lord.” Often when we are driving somewhere whose natural beauty is striking—like it was in Scotland—my mom will quietly repeat this...
Blessed are the protesters

Blessed are the protesters

Rev. Ashley Harness [On the Sunday after Inauguration, 2017] Scripture: Matthew 4:12-23 As I imagine this scripture, I try to put myself in the scenes of this ancient story. John the Bapist – the radical dissident against the Roman Empire who was both Jesus’ spiritual...
Dreams, Visitations and Other Epiphanic Interruptions

Dreams, Visitations and Other Epiphanic Interruptions

Matthew 2:1-12 January 8, 2017 Rev. Dr. Rebecca Voelkel   Bidden or unbidden, God comes. For this sacred presence, we return thanks. Amen. She had been like a second mother to me. When, after college, I got on a train alone and moved to Seattle when I’d never...