December 24, 2024
Scripture: Luke 2:1-20 All Through Advent we reflected on the different characters around Jesus’ birth: They lived in a culture with deep injustices and inequities Their nation had been conquered by other nations they had been exiled and then had to return and rebuild...
My Spirit Rejoices in God my Liberator
As we mark this fourth Sunday in Advent, we have the privilege to hear again the story of Mary’s Magnificat. Mary is a young, unmarried Jewish woman living under the Domination System of Roman military occupation with all the violence, economic hardship, and indignities that brings. There have been recent Jewish movements against the Roman Empire that have been violently put down. It is into this context of chaos and the Domination system of Roman Empire that God is seeking to be born.
A Message from the Angel Gabriel – A Play for Advent
Written by L. Gail Irwin, Performed by Vicki Joan Keck Luke 1:26-38 26 In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, 27 to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin’s name was Mary....
December 8, 2024
Scripture: Luke 1:5-24 and 57-79 Sermon Our book study this fall was Walter Wink’s “The Powers that Be” In that book, written in the early 90’s, Wink referred to what he called “the Domination System” to describe the world we live in with its hierarchies based on...