Interdependence is a Muscle*

Interdependence is a Muscle*

*Title comes from the ever-wise Liz Loeb. Rev. Ashley Harness 5th Sunday in Lent, 2017 Text: Ezekiel 37: 1-4 Listen here (please note, recording quality gets better after the scripture reading!): As many of you know, our beloved member Kayla fell last week. She was...
Youth Empowerment Sunday

Youth Empowerment Sunday

Yardena Meyerhoff: Empowerment is not always a feeling that overwhelms you and fills you up.  It can come when you’re least expecting it and it’s not always obvious or apparent right away. But….sometimes it is. This past January I had the privilege of going to...
Resistance Rooted in Love

Resistance Rooted in Love

Matthew 5: 38-48 Rev. Dr. Rebecca Voelkel Root us in love, Holy One. Root us in love. Root us in love. Amen. In A Wrinkle in Time, Madeleine L’Engele’s theological masterpiece masquerading as a children’s book, she writes of a scene in which the protagonist, Meg, has...